Buffalo Recipe I forgot to pass on to you guys, It was a good recipe I found and then added a little bit too.

BBQ Chicken Wings

“Measurements are only suggestions. Make sauce to taste – you’d have to be pretty drunk to screw this up.”

3 lbs Chicken wings

12 oz. Frank’s RedHot

½ stick butter

BBQ sauce

Tabasco Sauce


garlic/garlic powder

black pepper

cayenne pepper


bleu cheese dressing

If you don’t want to (or don’t know how to) prepare whole wings – which are usually meatier – buy pre-cut “wingettes” but avoid frozen bags. Melt butter in RedHot in sauce pan. Add some BBQ sauce and honey. Add spices to taste. Consider how much beer you want to serve when adding the Tabasco and cayenne pepper. Marinate wings in half the sauce. Grill over medium heat. Make wings well-done – crispy is good, salmonella bad. Place wings in large bowl and pour remaining sauce over top. Serve with blue cheese and celery on the side. Feeds five gluttons or three hogs.